Fashion, Sport and Luxury

Fashion has always expressed Italian excellence in the world, and, despite the economic crisis which began in 2008, keeps developing middle high/high-end products achieving glibal success.

In Europe, almost half the added value generated in the footwear, leather and textile/clothing industries is provided by Italian firms, and the whole sector is expected to consolidate its recovery in both foreign markets and domestic consumption.

What are the characteristics of the Italian fashion system?

  • A highly fragmented supply, which includes small, and even micro enterprises, medium and large firms, as well as top brands of outstanding worldwide repute
  • Firms usually specialized in specific productions, in a context where apparently only major players can diversify their activities, upstream as well as down the chain, and a huge number of minor enterprises operate as subcontractors for specific productions or components
  • Highly competitive enterprises in all market segments, as a result of strong industrial know-how and quality standards of recognized excellence, and, especially amongst the top players, efficient distribution policies and amazing brand value
  • A high degree of competition, mainly based on prices, particularly in the lower market segments, while competition is less visible at the higher ends.

Trends and developments

Supply side, a general restructuring is underway. Particularly in the textile industry, which is experiencing a gradual reduction in the number of players and workforce alike, enterprises more open to change are working on the rationalization of their direct and indirect sales networks and overall strategies, sometimes converting their core business from manufacture to vertical commercialization. The integration of traditional distribution networks with the new on-line channels, in their always evolving forms, is becoming more and more crucial in the development of all commercial strategies.

Demand side, it is ever more important to develop quality products at attractive prices, as evidenced by the growth of outlet stores and, above all, the booming of e-commerce. Travel retail, which makes shopping a component (and even a driver) of the journey, is steadily increasing as well.



Our clientele has always included leading companies of the fashion and luxury sector, as well as medium, and even small enterprises and start-ups. All professionals assisting these clients have proven expertise and specific experience of the industry.

We are in a position to provide consultancy services to fashion, luxury and design companies on all of their activities, in all areas and at all levels of their development, as well as assist them in connection with relevant litigation in domestic, EU and foreign jurisdictions, including:

  • Commercial contracts – agency, distributorship, franchising, other commercial and retail agreements, procurement contracts and operation of commercial premises, lease and transfer of ongoing concerns, lease agreements, other property transactions, agreements with department stores, commercial centres and similar facilities
  • Industrial property – acquisition of trademark and other IP rights, management of trademark portfolios, trademark and know-how licensing, other IP contracts
  • M&A and joint ventures with IP content – assistance with planning and negotiation, drafting of contractual and corporate documentation, assistance in the development and implementation of partnerships
  • Outsourcing of in-house legal services – management, also for specific areas, purposes or periods of time, of the in-house legal affairs of companies, branches or departments, consultancy regarding the implementation and organization of in-house legal offices.